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The Glad Game
Playing the “Glad Game” is the playful practice of ALWAYS looking for the best in each and every situation, seeing the silver lining in every…
July 23, 2015
Maybe it is Rocket Science…
I invest in apartments and I own a community management company. On some levels, it is a pretty simple, common sense job. You show apartments,…
July 14, 2015
Superior Supervisors Refuse to Solve Subordinates Problems
Most supervisors are promoted to the position because they are smart and can create and implement solutions and tend to rightly take pride in their…
July 7, 2015
Cynical Attitude of Negativity = Financial Self Sabotage
“Cynical individuals are more likely to avoid cooperation and trust or to overinvest in monitoring, control, and other means of protection from potential exploitation. As…
June 30, 2015
The Secrets Everyone Knows
Winners, champions, the 2 percent, the change agents, are not like most people. Most people start to accept things because they try a few times…
June 18, 2015
The Big Decision Illusion
We often agonize over the “big decisions” in our life: who to marry, what job to take, to move or not to move, etc. Yes,…
June 11, 2015
3 Ways to Love Yourself Better
1) Get Your Self Talk on Your Side: We all have a little voice inside our head that carries on a running internal dialogue. Sometimes…
June 2, 2015
Attract the Life of Your Dreams
Your thoughts are powerful beyond belief. If you choose to start thinking about how your spouse or boss didn’t do this or that, didn’t notice…
May 14, 2015
Ten Small Steps, Big Rewards
We are what we repeatedly do. Do the following small things regularly and Big Rewards will follow. Promise! 1. Smile. Smile often. Smile at friends,…
May 5, 2015
Bridging the Behavior Gap
Doing as well as we know is both one of the greatest challenges AND greatest OPPORTUNITIES in life. This is because much of life is…
April 28, 2015
Faking Joy
Which comes first? The Chicken or the Egg? Which comes first? The Action or the Emotion? Truth is that our feelings and our behavior are…
April 23, 2015