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Top 25% is the Top 1%
Everyone on Wall Street wants to be the “Alpha Dog”, the best of the best, top of the heap, the Top 1%. Well, I want…
July 25, 2023The Easiest and yet the Hardest Thing
Rome was not built in a day and many an “overnight” success was decades in the making. We all have the same 24 hours; it…
July 20, 2023I’m Busy Now; Maybe Later
We humans tend to have this incessant inner dialogue going on inside our heads; an endless chatterbox. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes the form of a…
July 4, 2023You Already Know the Secret
The secret to success, the secret to life… is that there is NO secret. Or at least not one “big” secret; merely dozens, hundreds of…
June 29, 2023The Upside of a Little Bit of Financial Paranoia
I experienced a period of poverty in my youth and it was one of the best things that ever happened to me, for it instilled…
June 22, 2023Daily Questions: Road Signs to Your Best Self, Your Best Life
Daily questions are an awesome way to focus your energy, to remain on path, to stay true to yourself. Zig Ziglar used to love to…
June 20, 20234 Things to Release to Create Your Best Life
#1 Release Obsession with Possessions: Once beyond that basic level of Maslow’s hierarchy (a roof over our heads that doesn’t leak, reasonably healthy food in…
June 15, 2023Did I Do My Best?
I was doing my early morning reading one day and this inquiry popped out at me. The question “Did I Do My Best?” resonated deeply…
June 6, 2023Act Above Yourself
A major challenge in life is to do as well as we know. We all aspire to better ourselves; the test is how to do…
June 1, 2023Trust and Confidence are Not Synonyms
Trust is about integrity, confidence is about competence. Too often in the workplace, a supervisor will say “I can’t trust you to handle this yet”…
May 30, 2023Not to Do List
Distractions abound in life: detours and delays that fritter away our time and energy, beguiling diversions that dissipate our focus. A “Not to Do” list…
May 18, 2023