NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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The Power of Upstream Thinking

You are walking by the side of a river when you hear screams of distress: a child is drowning. You plunge into the water and…

December 10, 2020

Caging Your “What If Monkey”

“What If Monkeys” are always asking “What if it doesn’t work?” And while there is certainly a need to evaluate risks and have plans to…

December 8, 2020

Making the Leap: From Supervisor to Advisor

The common fallacy, usually unspoken but scrupulously adhered to nonetheless, is that someone is made a supervisor because of their “super” vision i.e. superior talents.…

November 19, 2020

How to Build a Ship

“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work and give orders. Instead, teach them to…

October 29, 2020

The Five Deadly Traps of Mediocrity

Mediocre performers: Sap managers’ energy so they have less time for top performers Reduce quality of group discussions, lowering teams overall IQ Force others to…

October 20, 2020

The Big Secret Theory of Life

Many subscribe to some version of the “Big Secret” theory of life. The big secret theory is that there are short cuts, bags of tricks,…

September 29, 2020

Three Questions That Determine the Success of Your Pitch (And That Your Boss May Not Realize They Are Asking Themselves)

Quite frankly, ideas are a dime a dozen, even good ideas. It’s in the EXECUTION that most ideas succeed or fail. And odds are that…

September 17, 2020

Bitter or Better? Which Do You Chose?

Life happens. Good things, bad things. Sometimes we are dealt a good hand, sometimes a bad hand. Most everyone reading this blog has won what…

September 8, 2020

Riding the J-Curve of Accountability

Change is often more valued in the abstract than in reality; as the saying goes “Change is good, you go first.” Change, even in the…

September 3, 2020

An Often-Neglected Duty Leaders Owe Others

When a leader dodges the tough conversations, when they lack the courage to hold people accountable or the internal fortitude and strength of will to…

September 1, 2020

A Vital Key to Success That You’ve Been Taught Not To Do

From birth most of us have been taught to avoid confrontation, whether to be nice or to be liked or get along or just to…

August 27, 2020

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