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Six Toxic Relationship Beliefs
“A good relationship doesn’t have problems; if it is meant to be, things work out on their own.” “Couples who are in love, who have…
May 26, 2020
10 Things the Most Successful People Are Always Doing
1. Planning their Lives, Working their Plan. Ordinary folks with a plan will go further than a genius without a plan. Most folks go the…
May 14, 2020
Problem Blindness
One obstacle with solving problems is when we can’t or won’t see the problem aka “problem blindness”. Problem blindness’s most common form is when something…
April 21, 2020
When “Nice” Isn’t
“He may be too nice a guy to fix things via challenging others.” We’ve all seen it, the person who lets sub-optimal situations fester, the…
April 9, 2020
Summum Bonum
Summum bonum is a Latin phrase meaning “the highest good” and represents a concept introduced by the Roman philosopher Cicero. While some philosophies associate the…
March 31, 2020
Beware Brittle Learning
“Brittle Learning” is superficial knowing; where you’ve memorized a few “lessons” but do not truly understand the underlying principles. The minute the environment changes (and…
March 24, 2020
Overlearning: Practice Beyond Perfect
Overlearning means learning more about a subject than the minimum necessary; also practicing a skill above and beyond achieving threshold mastery. The theory being that…
March 19, 2020
What Gift Are You Withholding?
“I’ve always wanted to….” We can all fill in the blank with some skill we have never developed, some dream we’ve never followed, some ability…
March 12, 2020
Deep Work: Superpower of Success
“Deep Work” is the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task; in contrast to “Shallow Work”: the routine work, everyday tasks that…
February 27, 2020
Failure: Stepping Stone to Success?
Can failure be a GOOD thing? Yes, certainly, but with caveats! Demanding perfection is a prescription for paralysis and the only way to never fail…
February 18, 2020
Good Failure; Bad Failure
How can failure be good? The answer lies in the distinction between Good Failure and Bad Failure: – Good Failure comes from a “Good Heart/Awake…
February 13, 2020