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Active Listening: Listening to Understand
Most of what we call listening is really “waiting to speak.” Here is how people “hear” us: You say something, sounds are heard by another…
June 6, 2013
The Incessant Maintenance of the Highest Standards, Relentless Insistence on Effort and Attention to Details”
On May 4th, 2013, the Chicago Bulls won Game 7 over the Brooklyn Nets in the 1st round of the NBA playoffs. With 3 starters…
May 21, 2013
Four-Way Test
Recently The Collier Companies’ Senior Team reviewed the final draft of TCC’s Team Member Policy Manual, which contains standards of conduct to which we hold…
April 23, 2013
Skip the Complaining, Go Straight to the Explaining
Even the best intended (or most needed) constructive criticism is often not accepted constructively. Most of us could benefit from being more “coachable” and we…
April 11, 2013
Faith-Based Spending
“Faith-based spending” is when you spend your money without really knowing if you are getting any benefit from it. In a business it is when…
April 2, 2013
The Fallacy of Reductio ad Absurdum
Reductio ad absurdum is Latin for “reduction to absurdity” and refers to a common form of argument whereby something logical is carried to a ridiculous…
March 26, 2013
Be the Orange
When you squeeze an orange you don’t get lemon juice. Even under stress, the orange stays true to its essential self. It is during trying…
March 7, 2013
The Awesome Power of Deep Trust
Flying Trapeze Artist: Ever want to be one? A friend of mine went for an afternoon “experience” lesson for novices. Each participant was given detailed…
February 28, 2013
Just Because You Meet a Jerk, Don’t Become a Jerk: Avoiding Petty Revenge; Turning the Other Cheek
“I’m a sales associate…When you are rude to me, I look for ways to overcharge you!” Life comes with its trials and tribulations, and sometimes…
January 29, 2013
Warm Woolen Socks: Saving the Environment, One Thermostat Setting At a Time
Want to stop global warming? Reduce carbon emissions in the atmosphere? Slow the depletion of scarce natural resources? Save money too? EASY! Turn down your…
January 10, 2013
Next Play
The concept of “next play” is borrowed from Coach K (Mike Krzyzewski) of the Duke Blue Devils. Whenever a play is over, good or bad,…
December 13, 2012