NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Beyond Desire: The Vital Next Step Few Take

It is not enough to desire something; the wise, the successful go one step further. They ask themselves “Why?”. Why do I want this thing,…

January 5, 2023

To Live a Better Life; Avoid These Two All-Too-Common Forms of Self Sabotage

Self-Doubt You must believe in yourself (even if it takes a leap of faith at times!) before others will. Folks tend to sense your self-appraisal…

December 29, 2022

I’m a North Star Person; I Sail a Steady Course

Our self-concept, how we see ourselves, is a powerful determinant of our lives. Who we believe we are is a construct we’ve picked up from…

December 22, 2022

The Double Tap Response: Specific AND Systematic

Successful people approach problems differently than others. They search for solutions at multiple levels; solutions that are both Specific AND Systematic. Yes, they want to…

December 20, 2022

You have to Walk the Valley to get to the Mountaintop

Deny me the lessons of the valley and I will not learn the skills I need to traverse the highest mountains. Sometimes you find yourself…

October 25, 2022

Taking in the Good

There is a theory out there that our brains are hard wired with a negativity bias as a survival technique from ancient times. In a…

October 13, 2022

Do the Words You Use Impact Your Life Expectancy?

If the words you choose to use are consistently positive (including your inner self talk), you most likely have an optimistic view of life and…

September 29, 2022

It’s Your One and Only Life, Right? So Own Your Days. Totally.

Everything is connected. Every action you take, every thought you have, every word you speak has consequences. Individually small perhaps, but collectively incredibly powerful. So…

July 7, 2022

Drama is for the Stage

Personal or relationship drama (i.e. non-literary) refers to a situation blown out of proportion, or one involving unnecessary emotional turbulence or even made-up conflict. Drama occurs for multiple…

July 5, 2022

Take Good Notes

If you want to pass a class in school, you take good notes. Makes sense that if you want to learn the lessons of life,…

June 7, 2022

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