NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Nathan S. Collier:

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10 Things the Most Successful People Are Always Doing

1) Planning their Lives, Working their Plan. Ordinary folks with a plan will go further than a genius without a plan. Most folks go the…

January 31, 2019

Coming up Against Our Edge

We all have “edges”, areas we do not go, areas we hold back from, areas we are not comfortable in, areas we shut down in.…

January 29, 2019

The Back and Forth of Leadership

How to balance empowerment and control? Business guru Tom Peters quotes Alfred Sloan, former GM CEO, saying that management is “steering back and forth between: a)…

January 24, 2019

The Best Bosses Aren’t Always Bossy

Being a good boss has a soft side and a hard side. On the hard side, bosses provide training, instruction, guidance, goals and targets, resources,…

January 22, 2019

What Do You Tolerate?

What will you put up with before you move on? What are your standards, your acceptable minimum? Generally speaking, what we are willing to settle…

January 17, 2019

Are you Watering Dead Flowers? Stop Watering Dead Flowers

Where in your life are you wasting effort and energy? With who or where is your life force not being valued? Sometimes you have to…

January 15, 2019

Put On Your Own Mask First

Why do the airlines tell you to “Put On Your Own Mask First”? Because before you can help others, you must first take care of…

January 10, 2019

An Entrepreneurial Trait Anyone Can Emulate

A key trait of entrepreneurs is that they are Self-Directed. While entrepreneurs may look to many sources for inspiration and guidance, they do not need…

January 8, 2019

Seven Things Most Successful People Have Given Up

1) Successful people watch less TV, spend less time aimlessly surfing the internet. Successful people tend to lead disciplined, focused lives. 2) Successful people release…

January 3, 2019

The 5 Whys: Getting to Root Causes, Fast!

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5_Whys The “5 Whys” spring from Toyota and are a simple problem-solving exercise designed to go beyond symptoms to unearth the root cause of problems.…

January 1, 2019

In Search of (Productive) Dissatisfaction

Ah! Why would anyone go in search of dissatisfaction? Well, complacency is the biggest enemy of champions. As Andrew Grove, the founder of Intel, famously…

December 27, 2018

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