NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Nathan S. Collier:

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“I Can’t Have That” v. “I Don’t Want That”

How we choose to see the world powerfully impacts our responses. The way we interpret events, the worldviews we select as our own, all come…

August 28, 2018

Entrepreneur’s Blog: Part 7

Hello Mr. Collier, I hope life is going excellent for you! When you get some time, could you please answer the below questions? Thank you!…

August 24, 2018

4 Ways You Hold Yourself Back

1. Self-doubt. We tend to judge ourselves by our rough-hewn insides and others by their polished exteriors. You are greater than you know; you have…

August 23, 2018

5 Books to Change Your Life

What 5 books would you say have changed your life the most? 1. “How to Win Friends and Influence People” – Dale Carnegie (in early…

August 21, 2018

Entrepreneur’s Blog: Part 6

Good evening Mr. Collier, I hope life is treating you well. When you get a moment could you please answer the below question? Thank you…

August 17, 2018

3 Questions, One Intent, 3 Answers

…the question you ask often impacts the answer you get 1. “What problems does it have?” 2. “It doesn’t have any problems, does it?” 3.…

August 16, 2018

Three Things That Stand Between You and Greatness

1. Unfocused Desire The #1 reason people do not become their best self/do not live their greatest life is a Lack of Desire or more…

August 14, 2018

Entrepreneur’s Blog: Part 5

Good evening Mr. Collier, I hope life is treating you well. When you get a moment could you please answer the below question? Thank you…

August 10, 2018

Slow Down to Go Faster

Folks, I’m the original “Fire in the Belly, Burning Sense of Urgency” guy. I’m a hyper-active entrepreneur who likes to hit the ground running and…

August 9, 2018

The 2nd Question

After meeting a new person, after saying, “Hello, how are you?” what is the 2nd question? In America, it is generally some version of “What…

August 7, 2018

Entrepreneur’s Blog: Part 4

Good evening Mr. Collier, I hope life is treating you well. When you get a moment could you please answer the below question? Thank you…

August 3, 2018

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