NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Don’t Believe Everything You Think

Our own minds can lead us astray; we humans are subject to numerous logical fallacies, the most common of which is “confirmation bias” in which…

February 28, 2017

Happy Just Because

Novel Idea: You don’t NEED a REASON to be happy, you can choose to be “Happy Just Because”… you WANT to be happy. Yeah, I…

February 21, 2017

“The Upward Spiral”

We all have gotten in a downward spiral; fears and worries and a bad event or two can knock us off course and it is…

February 7, 2017

Choices, Choices: Productivity or Postponed Pleasure?

I tend to wake early, in the predawn hours of the morn, a habit left over from my paper route days as a kid. What…

January 24, 2017

Small, Smart, Slow

What is your desired weight? Below are some easy, common sense (but not common practice?) tips on how to get there. Eat Small: Portion Control…

January 19, 2017

Negative Reciprocation

Negative reciprocation is sending back the hurt received. It may be active-aggressive: raised voices, hurtful remarks, digging up past sins, angry accusations not fully meant,…

January 17, 2017

Do You Suffer From Atelophobia?

Atelophobia is the fear of imperfection, the fear of never being good enough and is kin to perfectionism, the obsessive compulsive striving to achieve impossible…

January 12, 2017

Three Popular but Futile Strategies

We all have unresolved issues we KNOW we should deal with: procrastination, anger management, personal or professional growth challenges, family matters. Be wary of falling…

December 27, 2016

Can Empathy Be Dysfunctional?

Yes, empathy can be dysfunctional IF we do not fully understand the emotion AND if we do not distinguish between Emotional Empathy and Cognitive Empathy.…

December 7, 2016

Working Smart is Harder than Working Hard

Standing outside ourselves, seeing ourselves as others see us AND coming to fully understand the lens through which we see the world is a learned…

November 29, 2016

Never Give Up on Your Dreams… is STUPID Advice!

Hey! I’m into motivation, positivity, optimism, inspirational quotes, and thinking BIG! I also am into self-awareness, being open to feedback, staying flexible, plus learning, evolving,…

November 24, 2016

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