NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Worry = Negative Visualization

The mind is a powerful thing, more powerful than we often realize. Our thoughts influence our emotions, our energy levels, and our resilience far more…

March 9, 2023

Finding the Upside

The words we choose to use, the tone we take: they all speak volumes about us, revealing our world view, our perceptions and interpretations of…

February 14, 2023

Life is often Jolie-Laide, Embrace it!

Jolie-Laide is a French term of affection that translates roughly as Pretty-Ugly and is used to describe something that is unconventionally beautiful. No one’s life…

December 8, 2022

AMY isn’t Your Friend

The amygdala, or AMY for short (from AMYgdala) is an almond-shaped cluster of nuclei located deep within the temporal lobes of your brain. AMY is…

November 29, 2022

Memento Mori

Memento mori literally translates from the Latin as “remember death” or remember that we all die, that death is inevitable. Rather than being depressing or…

November 15, 2022

What is Better than Perfect?

Excellence! Excellencism is a healthy alternative to perfectionism. Excellence is achievable, perfection is not. Perfectionism is control, excellence is flow. Perfectionism is often born of…

November 1, 2022

Four Traits of Happy People

1. They Choose Their Mindset They remain optimistic, solution-oriented, forward thinkers in all circumstances. They know that no matter what, a positive outlook will achieve…

October 6, 2022

Don’t let Life get in the way of Your Life

We can all get busy; very, very busy. The day to day can turn into a whirlwind of ringing phones, dinging messages, strident, urgent demands…

September 15, 2022

Change the Locks…NOW!

Most likely it’s far past time to change the locks to the gateway of your mind, to the foyer of your thoughts. In the hurley…

September 1, 2022

Stressed? Or Blessed?

Stress is not an event but rather a learned reaction to an event. That reaction can be modified or at least mollified. It can be…

August 25, 2022

Corrosive Myths, Insidious Fables

When it comes to relationships Perfection is a corrosive myth.   A love that can withstand imperfections is worth the “hard time” it takes to…

July 26, 2022

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