NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Seven Habits of Happy People

They monitor their self-talk; keep it positive, solution oriented. They choose companions in life that challenge them to be their best. They Release. They focus…

September 9, 2021

Upgrade Yourself: 3 High Leverage Ways

Taming the Monkey Mind One of the highest leverage points to upgrading yourself is to monitor your mind chatter, your internal self-talk, the constant ongoing…

August 26, 2021

Never Waste the Pain

Suffering will come into your life; grow from it, don’t waste it. Failure will happen; use it, learn from it, don’t waste it. Disappointments will…

July 29, 2021

Success is Never On Sale

You always have to pay full price for success. Success is never half-price, never on discount. You won’t find success in the bargain bin or at…

June 17, 2021

The Talent Myth Mind Trap

All too many believe that talent is the key to success. WRONG! While certainly helpful, talent as an innate gift is not the primary driver…

June 15, 2021

Critical Thinking Skills Career Hints

Targeted Activities v. Desired Results Targeted Activities are the WHAT and HOW of what you do to get to your Desired Result. Your Desired Result…

June 1, 2021

Motivation is a Myth

Characterizing “motivation as a myth” is only a partial truth but it illustrates an important point. Too often folks describe their failure to do what…

May 13, 2021

Destitutus Ventis, Remos Adhibe

“Destitutus ventis, remos adhibe” is a Latin proverb that translates as “If the wind will not serve, take to the oars.” The most successful people…

May 11, 2021

Odds Are, You Are Killing Your Chances to Succeed

There are two main ways to fail: Not wanting enough AND wanting TOO much. As to the first, we all know better than we do,…

May 6, 2021

Beware the Subtle Self-Discipline Sabotage of “Carryover Credit”

Folks, I will soon be entering the 70th decade of my life and a wonderful ride it has been. However, I’ve noticed I’ve been indulging…

April 27, 2021

Four Powerful Words

“I Can Do This” is a very simple, very short phrase yet it is an incredibly powerful self-affirmation, a bedrock reinforcement of self-worth and self-determination.…

April 13, 2021

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