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How We Respond to Adversity Can Create Self-Fulfilling Prophecies
How do you view setbacks? As learning opportunity or as failure? Do you view your capabilities as fixed, somewhat set at birth, essentially carved in…
February 8, 2018
Dyfal Donc a Dyr y Garreg
“Dyfal Donc a Dyr y Garreg” is a Welsh proverb that translates “Tapping persistently breaks the stone.” Persistence is firm, even obstinate, continuance in a…
January 25, 2018
2018 Checklist: Characteristics of Success v. Failure
Failure Checklist Sense of Entitlement Watch TV Every Day Live in Denial/Deliberate Ignorance Think education ends with graduation Drift, Dream, Doze Off Cultivate Resentments, Hold…
January 2, 2018
Dysfunctional Habits: Trapped By Your Triggers
Knowing your triggers, your short fuses, is crucial to learning and substituting new behavior. If you are not aware of (and alert for) what triggers…
December 26, 2017
The Fighter Within
What determines our fate? Perhaps it is Determination itself? One Hundred and Twenty-Nine Children were identified* as being “high risk for future problems, because they…
November 30, 2017
5 Predictors of Success
The Harvard Business Review Nov/Dec 2017 feature article was on “Launching Successful Leaders: How to Make Sure Your Most Promising People Reach Their Highest Potential”…
November 23, 2017
Are Entrepreneurs Born or Made?
Sam Zell (founder of two largest American REITs; Equity Office and Equity Residential) was recently interviewed and asked if his children had followed him into…
October 17, 2017
Programming Yourself for Failure
I hear people programming themselves for failure: consistent use of negative language, persistent choice of words that speak of defeat and failure before the battle…
October 5, 2017
Questions on Wealth
What net worth would you consider a person to be wealthy? What monthly cash flow would you consider a person wealthy? Webster’s says wealth is…
October 3, 2017
Waste Your Spare Time = Derail Your Success
“I don’t have time” or “I couldn’t find the time” are some of the most common excuses for not moving forward. The truth is, we…
September 28, 2017
Stop Sorting Gravel
Stephen R. Covey, author of “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, used a dramatic illustration to teach the value of time and energy management. Covey…
September 7, 2017