NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Currently Viewing Category: Positive Thinking/Visualization

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The Folly of Self-Doubting

“I don’t believe anyone ever suspects how completely unsure I am of my work and myself and what tortures of self-doubting the doubt of others…

March 4, 2021

Learned Helplessness, Learned Effectiveness

Learned Helplessness is a mental belief that you are unable change a situation and a resulting unwillingness to continue trying; a sense of powerlessness that…

February 18, 2021


The steady stream of thoughts in our head, our self-talk, is so constant that we lose awareness of their impact. Yet thoughts are things and…

February 11, 2021

When Positivity Turns Negative

Folks, I’m a huge advocate of a positive mindset. Positivity is NOT a magic wand but most everything in life goes better when you walk…

February 2, 2021

Train It, Trust It

“Train it, then trust it” is a mantra for athletes about releasing worries in the moment of performance and having faith in the depth of…

January 28, 2021

How Strong is your Mind Moat?

We all know what a moat is, a protective ditch that surrounds valuable real estate. Moats are usually wide and deep and down here in…

January 26, 2021

Positivity is NOT a Magic Wand

Anyone who thinks that positive thinking will solve all their problems is delusional. That is not positive thinking, that is wishful thinking. Life is full…

January 21, 2021

Who is in Control?

What (or who?) runs your life? Where do you think the locus of control lies? Folks divide up into those that believe the locus of…

January 19, 2021

Caging Your “What If Monkey”

“What If Monkeys” are always asking “What if it doesn’t work?” And while there is certainly a need to evaluate risks and have plans to…

December 8, 2020

Giving Thanks Daily

Most everyone reading this has won the “birth lottery”; we were born in the developed world. No matter our inherent abilities and talents, being born…

November 26, 2020

Lest we Forget… Our Blessings are Many

For all our troubles, we live in relative peace, prosperity, and safety. What follows is an excerpt from a GI’s memoir of WWII, about a…

November 24, 2020

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