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Do You Know Where Your Energy Goes?
Pay attention to your Energy Levels throughout your day; track what consumes your energy and what people, thoughts, and activities power you up. Start with…
January 23, 2018
Beware Your Reflexive Response!
Always choose a positive AND effective response. Does your response improve the situation? Move you toward your goals? Life happens in the sum of small…
January 18, 2018
Declining Drama’s Distraction
Drama can be incredibly alluring, attracting our attention, pulling us in with its siren song. The swirling emotions trigger our interest and emotions yet like…
January 16, 2018
2018 Checklist: Characteristics of Success v. Failure
Failure Checklist Sense of Entitlement Watch TV Every Day Live in Denial/Deliberate Ignorance Think education ends with graduation Drift, Dream, Doze Off Cultivate Resentments, Hold…
January 2, 2018
Dysfunctional Habits: Trapped By Your Triggers
Knowing your triggers, your short fuses, is crucial to learning and substituting new behavior. If you are not aware of (and alert for) what triggers…
December 26, 2017
What Magnifies Your Spirit?
What lifts you? What thoughts leave a smile that lingers? What people make you light up when you see them? What experiences pull you up?…
December 14, 2017
No Excuses Happiness
What are your criteria to be happy? Everything in your life going the way you want? Never going to happen or if it does, don’t…
November 14, 2017
Leave Space Between Everything
Even in my 7th decade, I’m as task-directed, goal-focused, and achievement-oriented as they come. Yet with the passing of the years, I’ve learned to leave…
November 9, 2017
Are You a Stairs Person or an Elevator Person?
I was bounding up three flights of stairs the other day and my young son asked me why we weren’t taking the elevator like some…
November 2, 2017
Have you ever longed for “peace of mind”? For quiet contentment? To still the monkey chatter in your mind, to quiet your internal critic or…
October 31, 2017
Turning Adversity into Advantage
I am still humbled by how often I stumble, how frequently I fall short of my aspirations. Somehow I’d expected that as time passed, it…
October 19, 2017