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Little is Large
Folks, there is no mystical key, no hidden secret, no big, concealed trick to success, happiness, or prosperity. Thomas Alva Edison’s famous saying applies in…
December 7, 2023Boosting The Virtuous Cycle
To get to work every morning, I must exit a very quiet residential street onto a busy highway. Wonderfully frequently someone slows down to let…
December 5, 2023Who Runs You?
The reflexive answer is “I do, of course!” But do you really? How much of our behavior is unthinking, unanalyzed routine? Goalless habit? Or simply…
November 28, 2023The Great Multiplier
Do you desire happiness? Contentment? Do you want to attract good things and positive, supportive people into your life? Do you want more energy? More…
November 23, 2023I Woke Up In America
Of late, when folk politely inquire as to the quality of my day, I respond with a cheerful ‘I woke up in America and that…
November 21, 2023How Good is Your Doorman?
Every day, every moment, we are bombarded with a tsunami of impressions and potential inputs into our consciousness. What we choose, and we DO have…
November 16, 2023Want to Sabotage Your Relationships? Shut Them Down
Feelings buried alive never die. There are many ways to get our way but all too many come with a price, a cost we often…
November 9, 2023Touching Your Mental Toes
Folks, true confession, I love stability and security. I find comfort in my routines and settled practices. Come 2025, I will have lived on the…
November 2, 2023Listless
One fine day recently I was feeling a bit off. In my search for the why and deeper self-awareness, I started to write out how…
October 26, 2023Greatness is a Grind
By ‘grind’ I mean achieving (and maintaining) greatness is long, hard slog, a relentless repetition of the basics, day in and day out, a never-ending…
October 12, 2023Three Guidelines to Make the World a Better Place
Treat all with respect, kindness, and civility; even if you disagree with them; especially if you disagree with them! It’s easy to be nice to…
October 5, 2023