Any behavior that creates more problems than it solves is self sabotaging. Too often we yield to the temptation of a temporary relief only to have it spawn more and greater problems. I once read a food addict plea: “I eat because I’m unhappy. I’m unhappy because I despise myself. I despise myself because I’m fat.”
We all have comfort behaviors that we fall back on in times of stress and strain. The key is to avoid dysfunctional behaviors and always have good choices: a supportive friend to spend time with, an exercise routine, an inspirational book, a favorite walk in the woods or beach stroll, a counselor to share with, a hobby, a sport, a beloved relative to visit, a pet to cuddle and groom. The possibilities are endless, the important thing is to develop these resources in good times to have them to fall back on in the not-so-good times.
It is okay to plateau. Setbacks are normal, everyone needs to re-group on occasion. It is okay to fall down; just take your time, shake it off, get back up and continue your journey. You do not have to be perfect to be perfectly okay.
Five common self-sabotaging behaviors
– Over indulgence (shopping, food, alcohol, couch-potato lifestyle)
– Impulsive rash acts, obsessive-compulsive behavior
– Procrastination, giving up, not giving your best where and when needed
– Negative thinking, limiting belief system, excessive worry
– Overly-critical, energy-draining judgment, perfectionist thoughts
As always:
– Awareness is the first step
– Then implementing a prepared response plan(s)
– Followed by observation and feedback (journal)
– And then recalibration and repeat
Your best life is waiting. Please live it to your fullest and have fun along the way.