NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Nathan S. Collier:

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Leave Space Between Everything

Even in my 7th decade, I’m as task-directed, goal-focused, and achievement-oriented as they come. Yet with the passing of the years, I’ve learned to leave…

November 9, 2017


Morning Mr. Collier, I hope all is well with you. When you get a moment could you please answer the below questions? Thank you for…

November 7, 2017

Are You a Stairs Person or an Elevator Person?

I was bounding up three flights of stairs the other day and my young son asked me why we weren’t taking the elevator like some…

November 2, 2017


Have you ever longed for “peace of mind”? For quiet contentment? To still the monkey chatter in your mind, to quiet your internal critic or…

October 31, 2017

The Art of Swordlessness

“If you have attained mastery of swordlessness, you will never lack for a sword. The opponent’s sword is your sword.” – Yagyū Munenori, 1571 –…

October 26, 2017

What would you tell your 30 year old self today?

Morning Mr. Collier; I hope all is well with you. When you get a moment would you mind answering a question? What would you tell…

October 24, 2017

Turning Adversity into Advantage

I am still humbled by how often I stumble, how frequently I fall short of my aspirations. Somehow I’d expected that as time passed, it…

October 19, 2017

Are Entrepreneurs Born or Made?

Sam Zell (founder of two largest American REITs; Equity Office and Equity Residential) was recently interviewed and asked if his children had followed him into…

October 17, 2017

Two Phrases Successful People Avoid

Words are powerful! The words you choose send strong messages to the world about who you are and what you are about. Just as important,…

October 12, 2017

Business Debt v. Personal Debt

Morning Mr. Collier; I hope all is well with you. When you get a moment would you mind answering the below questions? What’s the difference…

October 10, 2017

Programming Yourself for Failure

I hear people programming themselves for failure: consistent use of negative language, persistent choice of words that speak of defeat and failure before the battle…

October 5, 2017

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