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The Original American Dream
The phrase “The American Dream” was coined by James Truslow Adams in 1931. Originally it had nothing to do with material success or wealth but…
August 22, 2017
Wanting is Not Enough, Everyone Wants
The real question is what are you willing to DO to get what you want? What actions will you take? What will you sacrifice? Invest?…
August 10, 2017
The Lazy Guide to Success; Three Principles
Take Easy Baby Steps (Repeat ad Infinitum) Being basically a lazy person (I’m always looking for a faster, easier way) I figured out a long,…
July 27, 2017
You WILL Pay the Price…
Yes, we all get lucky now and then and something wonderful falls into our laps and that’s terrific. However, as a general rule, “wishing and…
July 25, 2017
Avoiding “Dumsor” Motivation/Energy Levels
Dumsor* (doom-sore) is a Ghanaian phrase used in reference to the frequent power outages and rolling blackouts that are epidemic to the country; it translates loosely…
July 11, 2017
How to Access Your Best Self?
We don’t always do as well as we know. The challenges of the day are often many; life gives us pop quizzes at the most…
July 6, 2017
The Time of Your Life
Someday you will run out of somedays… as in someday I will do this or someday I will do that or someday down the road…
June 13, 2017
The Undisciplined Pursuit of More
Do you know you? Really, really know yourself? Understand your drives, motivations, triggers, deepest longings, most hidden fears? How self-aware are you truly? How much…
June 1, 2017
Memento Mori
Memento mori is Latin for “remember that you have to die” or “remembering we will die”. It is used in reference to the practice of…
May 16, 2017
In Search of Courage to Face the Ordinary Day
In times of crisis we are often energized. Our skills are called upon and we respond to the clear and present danger. The need is…
May 9, 2017
Daily Decisions
We are smart. Boy, are we smart. We generally know what to do; what actions will move us forward. We are dumb. Boy, are we…
May 4, 2017