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2018 Checklist: Characteristics of Success v. Failure
Failure Checklist Sense of Entitlement Watch TV Every Day Live in Denial/Deliberate Ignorance Think education ends with graduation Drift, Dream, Doze Off Cultivate Resentments, Hold…
January 2, 2018
Don’t Hear the Attack
Ah, we humans! We are sensitive creatures; highly reactive to criticism, quick to defend our egos, our territory, our self-esteem. Our quick triggers make us…
December 21, 2017
What Magnifies Your Spirit?
What lifts you? What thoughts leave a smile that lingers? What people make you light up when you see them? What experiences pull you up?…
December 14, 2017
How Could I Not?
The Parable of the Brothers: Two brothers were raised in a home headed by a violent alcoholic father. One brother grew up to be an…
December 5, 2017
The Fighter Within
What determines our fate? Perhaps it is Determination itself? One Hundred and Twenty-Nine Children were identified* as being “high risk for future problems, because they…
November 30, 2017
Six Emotional Enemies You Let Live Rent Free in Your Head
1) Fear: Fear is not real; it is an emotion we create in our minds based upon how we choose to interpret reality and predict…
November 21, 2017
Five Ways to Turn Disagreements into Diamonds
1) Frame it as a discussion, as a search for understanding and mutually acceptable solutions; never as conflict. There is a REASON for this person’s…
November 16, 2017
No Excuses Happiness
What are your criteria to be happy? Everything in your life going the way you want? Never going to happen or if it does, don’t…
November 14, 2017
Have you ever longed for “peace of mind”? For quiet contentment? To still the monkey chatter in your mind, to quiet your internal critic or…
October 31, 2017
Two Phrases Successful People Avoid
Words are powerful! The words you choose send strong messages to the world about who you are and what you are about. Just as important,…
October 12, 2017
Programming Yourself for Failure
I hear people programming themselves for failure: consistent use of negative language, persistent choice of words that speak of defeat and failure before the battle…
October 5, 2017