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10 Powerful Beliefs That Foster Success
1) There is always a way. There is a solution to every problem. Know this, believe this, and you will find a way to succeed.…
October 27, 2016
Six Sure Fire Ways to Be Happier
1) Count Your Blessings Daily: Adopting an “Attitude of Gratitude” creates the “Habit of Happiness”. Make a list of all the wonderful things you appreciate.…
October 20, 2016
The Gift of Volition
Volition: the power of choosing or determining, the act of making a choice or decision; the exercise of will. One morning recently I woke up cranky, not my best…
October 4, 2016
Learning to be Big and Small at the Same Time
Ah, the Challenge of Balance! I am a Main Street American Entrepreneur. That means I take risks, put myself out there, advance (sometimes boldly, sometimes…
September 27, 2016
The Joy of Eustress
Eustress is good stress, the type and level of stress that invigorates and motivates, energizes and excites you. The term comes from the Greek prefix eu- meaning “good”. The fascinating…
September 20, 2016
How Healthy is Your Thought Life?
Thoughts are but the seeds of future emotions from which in turn flow actions and thus destiny, its eventual fruit. If you wish a happy,…
September 13, 2016
Six Mistakes Unhappy People Make
#1 Give power away to their Inner Critic: Your inner critic knows your weak spots and vulnerabilities and often attempts to pass its toxic sabotage…
August 4, 2016
Success in Six Steps
1. Believe in Yourself: You cannot truly, fully love others until you love yourself for you cannot give what you do not have. 2. Embrace…
August 2, 2016
You Were Born Rich!
You already have it all. Everything you need to have the life of your dreams, to Live the Life Extraordinaire, is already inside you! That’s…
July 26, 2016
5 Powerful Ways to Protect Yourself From Negative Energy
1. Respond without Reacting: When you react, you are giving away your power, letting others or the situation control you. When you create a space…
July 19, 2016
Being a good company is an end in itself
What gives meaning/purpose to our lives, our careers? One answer is working for and with a good company; perhaps being a good company is a…
June 30, 2016