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Positive Thinking v. Fantasy Thinking
Some folks seem to believe that practicing Positive Thinking means to never, ever have any thoughts whatsoever that deal with the negative, with failure, bad…
January 27, 2015
Do you suffer from Atelophobia?
Atelophobia is the fear of imperfection, the fear of never being good enough. At some level, at some time, we have all wondered if we…
January 22, 2015
Mental Trash: Are You Willing to Clean House?
Every week, the trash man comes by and hauls off unwanted stuff; broken stuff, stuff no longer useful. Wouldn’t it be terrific if we had…
January 15, 2015
The (Small) Downside of Positive Visualization
I’m a BIG proponent of Positivity: “Think you can, think you can’t, you are right.” Thoughts held in mind attract in kind; what you focus…
January 6, 2015
Five More Things Happy People Do
1. Set Goals The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose. People have an innate need to do something meaningful with their life; to…
January 1, 2015
Five Things Happy People Do More Than Others
1. Live an ‘Attitude of Gratitude’ Appreciating the many small moments of life, saying ‘thank-you’ on every possible occasion, acknowledging the people in our life and…
December 25, 2014
Self as Instrument II
It is very difficult to observe anything and not impact it. Our mere presence has an impact, our words linger in the psyche of others…
December 16, 2014
What are your Power Phrases?
Power Phrases are short, snappy, slogan-like sayings that you can use to keep yourself on track, to focus your energy, to quickly connect with your…
December 11, 2014
Why Affirmations Work
Affirmations work because properly done (present tense, positive, personalized), they bolster our self- concept— the collection of beliefs we hold about ourselves. Affirmations also can…
December 2, 2014
Count Your Blessings: Make it Truly a Day of Thanksgiving
Want to cheer yourself up? Find energy on even the darkest days? Count your blessings! Enumerate all the things you have to be thankful for,…
November 26, 2014
Thought Virus
A thought virus is any thought, any point of view, any emotion that does not serve you, strengthen you, energize you. When you sense a…
November 20, 2014