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Success is Never Final
Success is never final. It repeatedly must be re-won. The minute you are finished, entropy sets in. The minute you are born, the process of…
January 9, 2009
Success Defined
Got the question today via email: “What does success mean to me?” Two answers sprang to mind. One is general and philosophical, the other more…
January 7, 2009
The Magic of Special
Almost 15 years ago I rode a monorail at Disneyworld where the attendant invited me to sit up front with him for the ride. It…
January 6, 2009
The Transmission of Emotion: Contagious Happiness?
Can the happiness of people you don’t even know impact your happiness? Can the happiness of your friends’ friends’ friends affect your happiness? Yes. A…
December 19, 2008
Yesterday you said Tomorrow
(The Second in a Series of Blogs Prodding, Pushing, and Poking You to Get Moving on Your Life Plan for Next Year) The clock is…
December 15, 2008
Time to START…
Time to START… Time to start what? Time to start thinking about your roles and goals for the coming year. It is mere days until…
December 8, 2008
What do you look forward to?
Self-knowledge* can be an elusive goal. I find I still have “built-in” assumptions about myself that are untested or even untrue about what will make…
December 3, 2008
The Ten Wisest People I Know
This is a short post about a process, not a result. I ran across the phrase, “The Ten Wisest People I Know,” in this morning’s…
December 1, 2008
Encourage = In Courage
Encourage comes from the 15th-century Middle English word encoragen, which in turn came from the Anglo-French word encorager, or en- for in and curage for…
November 25, 2008
It’s not that I’m not satisfied, it’s just that I always want more!
On the limits of ambition, the harnessing of desire, and the importance of balance. “It’s not that I’m not satisfied, it’s just that I always…
November 20, 2008
Paying for Self Discipline is Expensive
I sat for my CPA exam in the late 1970s. For those of you fortunate enough not to sit for the exam, it is a…
November 18, 2008