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Choices, Choices: Productivity or Postponed Pleasure?
I tend to wake early, in the predawn hours of the morn, a habit left over from my paper route days as a kid. What…
January 24, 2017
Small, Smart, Slow
What is your desired weight? Below are some easy, common sense (but not common practice?) tips on how to get there. Eat Small: Portion Control…
January 19, 2017
The Big Rock Candy Mountains
The Big Rock Candy Mountains is the title of a hobo folk song (see below) about a mythical land, a paradise where all is “milk…
December 1, 2016
Whacking at the Beast
The “Beast” is whatever seemingly insurmountable challenge faces you, the one you can’t seem to get a handle on, the one that you just don’t…
November 15, 2016
Nine Powerful Habits of Successful People
1) Raise Your EQ: Emotional Intelligence: How well do you understand and manage your emotions and how good are you at understanding others? Can you…
November 3, 2016
Six Sure Fire Ways to Be Happier
1) Count Your Blessings Daily: Adopting an “Attitude of Gratitude” creates the “Habit of Happiness”. Make a list of all the wonderful things you appreciate.…
October 20, 2016
A Good Life Contains These 3 Essentials
Purpose Life must have meaning and yet the Meaning of Life is a question Life asks of us, not one we ask of Life i.e.…
October 11, 2016
The Gift of Volition
Volition: the power of choosing or determining, the act of making a choice or decision; the exercise of will. One morning recently I woke up cranky, not my best…
October 4, 2016
How Healthy is Your Thought Life?
Thoughts are but the seeds of future emotions from which in turn flow actions and thus destiny, its eventual fruit. If you wish a happy,…
September 13, 2016
It’s Not Really about Time, It’s About Priorities, Organization, and Energy
“I don’t have the time! I’d do it if I had enough time!” That is the internal lament, the theme song of those with full…
August 23, 2016
Slip, Slip, Sliding Away
In 2016, the NBA’s Golden State Warriors set the record for the most regular season wins… and still managed to lose the playoffs. Along the…
August 16, 2016