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Keys to Unlocking the Amazing Magic of Affirmations
Affirmations work best via endless (and I do mean endless) repetition. Over and Over and Over again until they are DEEPLY implanted in your unconsciousness.…
July 13, 2021
Dissecting (and Modifying) a Limiting Belief
Have you ever listed your limiting beliefs? One challenge is that they often reside deep within our minds, masquerading as “facts” or as subtle background…
July 8, 2021
Success is Never On Sale
You always have to pay full price for success. Success is never half-price, never on discount. You won’t find success in the bargain bin or at…
June 17, 2021
The Talent Myth Mind Trap
All too many believe that talent is the key to success. WRONG! While certainly helpful, talent as an innate gift is not the primary driver…
June 15, 2021
Believe in Your Inner Hero
There is a hero inside of all of us. Yes, inside you and yes, inside me. There is a hero dormant within all of us, just waiting…
June 3, 2021
Odds Are, You Are Killing Your Chances to Succeed
There are two main ways to fail: Not wanting enough AND wanting TOO much. As to the first, we all know better than we do,…
May 6, 2021
5 Learnable Traits of Mentally Strong People
The discipline to master emotions ere they become your master. Harness and direct your emotions and they will be an incredible source of energy. Unchained,…
April 29, 2021
Beware the Subtle Self-Discipline Sabotage of “Carryover Credit”
Folks, I will soon be entering the 70th decade of my life and a wonderful ride it has been. However, I’ve noticed I’ve been indulging…
April 27, 2021
Four Powerful Words
“I Can Do This” is a very simple, very short phrase yet it is an incredibly powerful self-affirmation, a bedrock reinforcement of self-worth and self-determination.…
April 13, 2021
Bad gets worse when you try to ignore it
While it may be appropriate to be deliberate in your approach, to observe or monitor a problem for a while, one should rarely, if ever,…
April 8, 2021
The Siren Song of Perfectionism
Perfectionism is not the key to success or the protection from criticism or self-doubt that we sometimes hope it will be. Rather perfectionism all too…
March 30, 2021