NSCBlog Nathan S. Collier

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Nathan S. Collier:

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Success in Six Steps

1. Believe in Yourself: You cannot truly, fully love others until you love yourself for you cannot give what you do not have.  2. Embrace…

August 2, 2016

The Myth of Sanity

None of us are sane. Or at least, we are all a little insane. Sanity after all is not truly binary, black or white; sanity…

July 28, 2016

You Were Born Rich!

You already have it all. Everything you need to have the life of your dreams, to Live the Life Extraordinaire, is already inside you! That’s…

July 26, 2016

We are Co-creators of Our Reality

I was recently in South Africa and privileged to hear Zelda la Grange, Nelson Mandela’s personal assistant for 19 years, speak. In her book Good…

July 21, 2016

5 Powerful Ways to Protect Yourself From Negative Energy

1. Respond without Reacting: When you react, you are giving away your power, letting others or the situation control you. When you create a space…

July 19, 2016

Five Leadership Behaviors I Could Improve

Effective leaders are self-aware; you must be able to “go to the balcony” and evaluate your own behavior and how it impacts others. A common trap is to…

July 14, 2016

Overcoming Your Biggest Obstacle: Your Self!

More often than not, it’s not what you don’t have that holds you back; it’s what you have but don’t use… because you don’t believe you have it! What do…

July 12, 2016

What You Say v. What I Hear

What we intend to convey and what others hear are often two very different realities. “You are yelling at me!” v. “Your voice is elevated.”…

July 7, 2016

Healing the Future

So often we carry the wounds of our past into our present, polluting and poisoning our contentment and happiness. So how to heal, how to…

July 5, 2016

Being a good company is an end in itself

What gives meaning/purpose to our lives, our careers? One answer is working for and with a good company; perhaps being a good company is a…

June 30, 2016

The Trap of False Certainty

Many fools are certain when the wise remain doubtful. We crave certainty in a world where much is both unknown and unknowable and we refuse…

June 28, 2016

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